Specialized Home Study Course

Get Free From Anxiety, Eliminate Stress & End Procrastination From Home

Take Back Control & See How Effective This Course Will Be For You!


Bring Anxiety Relief Into Your Life Easily With My Home Study Course!

Get Anxiety Relief Now!

Anxiety and Procrastination
Is Holding You Back!

 Instead You Will:

  • Spot & Eliminate the triggers holding you back and causing anxiety.
  • Achieve calmness with clarity & focus
  • Stay motivated and passionate as you complete the goals you create
  • Overcome fear and become your true self as you realize your full potential     

This course Will change your life.

Start the Home Study at Your Own Pace

Join the Growing List Of People Who Changed Their Lives

Watch and hear about real life success stories. These people are no longer feeling stuck with anxiety, worry or panic.


Taking the Home Study Course is a game changer for those looking to take control and unlock themselves from anxiety and procrastination.

Thousands of People Have Already Gotten Free of Anxiety, Procrastination And Worry After Taking This Course.

Get Ready to Tap Into Peace and Calm In Your Life!

Hello, I'm Dr. Audrey Sussman, Director and Hypnotherapist at the Anxiety Control Center. I'm looking forward to being your guide helping you to get free from anxiety, panic and procrastination that gets in the way of your life and dreams.

In this home study course youā€™ll learn how to use the power of your subconscious mind to change the inner programs that get in the way of your goals and desires. Youā€™ll enjoy the cascading river meditation that gives you an easy way to let go of stress and self-doubt. And after the stress is released weā€™ll use a hypnotic meditations to uncover hidden emotional obstacles that cause worry and procrastination.

So join us and get unblocked with as you learn about my 3-step method that activates imagination and moves you past obstacles. In this Home Study Course you'll get some of the effective tools, tips and techniques that I developed in 30 years helping my private clients to get free of panic, anxiety, worry, procrastination and fear.

You'll have the secret formula for creating inner peace and calm, anytime. This one tool alone is worth the price of the course. Yet, it is just one small part of the course, one you'll find useful again and again whenever you are taking on new challenges.

To see me privately it would cost over 10 thousand dollars for one-to-once coaching. Yet, in this course you'll get audios where you will hear me coaching former students - showing them how to adapting and combine the tools and techniques in real life situations.

So take the first step and sign-up now. You'll get your first worksheet that will start on the path for breaking free of anxiety and procrastination!

With Care, Audrey Sussman PhD

Are You Ready To:


  • Confidently Break Free From Worrisome Thoughts 
  • End Self-Doubt By Eliminating Negative Thoughts
  • Be Extremely Productive and Reach Your True Potential
  • Achieve The Calm State of Mind Instantly 

This course is for you!  
Sign up and start today.  

for Only $375


Bonus For Taking Action:

As soon as you sign up you'll be getting a welcome letter and information.  And as a bonus for taking action today you'll also get one of my favorite meditations for instant stress relief.   

 Audrey Sussman PhD

Get Your Life Back From Anxiety

Once you sign up you'll be getting audios, actions plans and tips and tricks to stop anxiety, worry and procrastination. This is an 8 week home-study course designed to give you a step-by-step template for moving ahead on your goals and dreams. You'll delight with the tools for anxiety relief and watch your motivation soar as you learn to create calm and focus needed to easily move towards your goals.

Join the Course Here

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